
Because Freia is made by hand using composite materials, almost any combination of colour, pattern or finish can be created.

Glassfibre is most commonly finished in a gloss colour, chosen from a huge range, including neons and metallics. More than one colour can be used, and a custom designed pattern can even be 'painted' into the plastic during moulding.

Carbonfibre's beautiful weave pattern deserves a clear surface finish, which can be tinted with transparent colours to really catch the light.

Finally, we recently discovered that patterned fabrics, as shown here, can be moulded into the plastic, giving a very special and surprising finish that wants to be touched.

Freia intro...
The freedom of Freia...
Why Freia feels so good...
How Freia is made...
Colour and material options for Freia
A Freia of your own...

Using composite materials by hand allows for very special finishes, or example moulding in patterned fabric.